Somali Regional State communication Services shall have the following objectives:
  • To ensure effective and fast flow of information and communication system between the government organs, the media and stakeholders and facilitate the creation of equal opportunities for peoples and sectors of the society in accessing government information;
  • To give strategic leadership by maintaining an efficient and effective communication and Information system based on government policies and programs to create national unity and consensus, to develop patriotism and to strengthen democratic culture.
  • To create agendas on government policies, programs and plans and create efficient information communication system to address the whole public and to increase peoples’ participation;
  • To become a government spokesperson and play a leading role on the government’s strategic information and communication system;
  • Family, culture, and society
Somali Regional State communication Services shall have the Following Powers and duties:
  • To facilitate an effective and organized information and communication flow with Federal and Regional Communication Offices in order to strengthen the participation of all citizens in the government’s policies, agendas, programs and services to bring an all-inclusive development throughout the country;
  • To gather and analyze information and to create and disseminate agendas based on factual information about peace and security, national events, natural and manmade accidents, national campaigns etc. in order to create awareness and consensus on the basic national interests of the country..
  • Formulate principles, standards and system for activities of public relation officers of institutions accountable to Federal government and enable their implementation
  • Use all information technology methods and tools widely, efficiently and effectively to disseminate government agendas to the public
  • Monitor local and international media on reports regarding Ethiopia and provide the media review report for the Office of the Prime Minister. Design a communication strategy based on the reviewed monitoring report